Part 1

a. Complementary colors, 2 colors opposite from each other.
b. Monochromatic, 2 colors right next to each other
c. Analogous, 3 colors next to each other
d. Triadic, 3 colors evenly spaced
e. Tetradic, 4 colors evenly spaced
f. Primary, secondary and tertiary colors: Primary is red, yellow, blue. Secondary are purple, orange, and green. Tertiary are red-orange, yellow-orange, yellow-green, blue-green, blue-violet, and red-violet.
g. Warm colors, are colors from red through yellow
h. Shades, tints ad tones: Shading, is adding black to an area to darken the color. Tinting, is by adding white to a color to lighten it. Tones are grey with a base hue.
i. Hue, saturation and luminance: Hue is any color on the wheel. Saturation is the intensity of a color. Luminance is the amount of brightness in a color.

Part 2

  1. 0BF43D-F40BC2
  2. 0BF43D-3CF664
  3. 0BF43D-0BF4B2-4EF40B
  4. 0BF43D-3D0BF4-F43D0B

Part 3

  1. 1E8E00
  2. 1E8E00
  3. 1E8E00

Part 4

Using Paletton was a cool experience to move and manipulate the colors. Being able to see examples of how your websites would look with certain color pallets is cool as well.

Part 5

  1. Monochrome

2. adjacent

3. Triad

Part 6

  1. I like complementary color combination because I like the fact that two colors from the opposite side of the wheel could blend so well together
  2. I like the triadic color combination because I like the idea of 3 colors spread out evenly on color wheel to blend together on a webpage and can make many good combinations.
  3. I like tetradic because it’s like triadic but with 4 colors instead of 3 making even more combinations of colors.

Part 7 and