For Honor Journey #1

Hello, last time I talked about a game called “For Honor”, a pvp medieval games. I recently made a new account and will use these blogs to keep you posted on my journey from the bottom to probably not the top but somewhere in the middle. What better way to start this journey than from the start. When I created this new account I already have an older account that has a lot of content on it but its much harder to talk about that then just making a new account and using my vast knowledge to climb quickly through the lower levels of the game. Let me tell you I feel bad for those that I may have or not have made mad at the lower levels because nothing makes you want to leave faster then someone at level one and able to use many advanced techniques they can’t use yet. After maybe 10-15 matches I was able to match against people who were more knowledgeable in the game but not quite as me but after quite a few more matches I was able to get players who were more on my level. Next week I will leave a report about how my matches will go from now on.

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